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Discord is a free text chat and voice app that lets users create or join various servers (which are then organized into channels).

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You can think of it as like Skype, but aimed more specifically at the gaming community. Though, despite being designed for gamers, Discord is useful across a variety of communities.

It’s available as a free app for Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS and Android. But it can also be accessed through most web browsers without needing to download the actual client.


While the basics functionality of Discord is pretty simple, there are a plethora of different text, chat and bot commands that can enhance your Discord experience. Here’s what you should know.


  • 2 Chat Commands
  • 3 Bot Commands
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Text Commands

At first glance, chatting on Discord may seem kind of plain compared to services with built-in formatting tools like iMessage or Gmail. But there’s actually an easy way to spice up your text.

That’s because Discord uses Markdown, which is a plain text formatting system that’s simple and easy to use.

While not technically “commands,” learning some basic Markdown can go a long way to making your text stand out.

  • Italics: Wrapping your text in a single asterisk will italic it. Example: *italic text goes here*
  • Bold: Wrapping your text in two asterisks will bold it. For example: **bolded text goes here**
  • Bold Italics: Wrapping your text in three asterisks will italicize and bold it. ***italicized and bolded text goes here***
  • Strikethrough: Wrapping your text with two tildes (~~) will strike it through. Example: ~~strikethrough text goes here~~
  • Single code block: Wrapping your text in a single backtick (‘) to your text will create an inline code block. This won’t take up a line on their own, and can’t be styled.
  • Code block: Wrapping your text in three backticks (‘’’) will create a code block. This will create a full code block that can be styled.
  • Spoiler: Wrapping your text in two vertical bars will mark it as a spoiler. This means it will be hidden until a user clicks or taps on it.

Chat Commands

Formatting your text really only makes your text look prettier. But in addition to the text formatting options, there are also a suite of built-in chat commands that can unlock deeper features and capabilities.

These chat commands can perform tasks that range from practical to fun. Here are a few ones to get you started.

  • You can add emoji reactions to the previous message in a Discord chat using this command: +:emojiname:. For example, using +:smile: will add a smile reaction.
  • If you’re using Discord on Mac or desktop, you can easily edit your last message by simply hitting the Up arrow on your keyboard.
  • You can quickly fix typos and grammatical errors with s/text/replace. For example, if you wrote “appel” instead of “apple,” you simply type s/appel/apple.
  • If you’d rather use Unicode emojis instead of Discord emojis, you can simply add . For example :smiley: will add the Unicode version of that emoji.
  • You can get the ID of any item mentioned in a chat by adding a couple of characters. Typing @user will get a user’s ID, while @role will get a role ID, and #channel will get a channel ID.

Slash Commands

Discord also features a number of slash commands. These are essentially chat commands that are activated with the / modifier. Here are a few prominent ones.

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  • /tableflip: This command will paste this emoji, ╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻, into the chat.
  • /unflip: This command will paste this emoji, ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ), into the chat.
  • /shrug: This command will paste this emoji, ¯_(ツ)_/¯, into the chat.
  • /nick <insert new nickname>: This will change your display name on the server to whatever you input. You’ll need nickname change permissions, however.
  • /me <insert message here>: This will output italicized text. It works exactly the same as wrapping text in single asterisks.
  • /giphy or /tenor: This will search for animated GIFs that appear just above your chat box. Just select the one you want to use. The /giphy command will search Giphy, will /tenor will search Tenor.
  • /tts: This will have a text-to-speech reader “speak” your text outline. Keep in mind that this feature is disabled on many Discord servers.

Bot Commands

While you can accomplish quite a bit with text formatting and chat commands, there’s a whole other level of capabilities in chat bots.

Bots, essentially, are automated “users” that can streamline and perform various functions.

In the Activity Monitor app on your Mac, do any of the following: To view processor activity over time, click CPU (or use the Touch Bar). The following percentages appear in the bottom of the Activity Monitor window: System: The percentage of CPU capability that’s being used by processes that belong to macOS. Dec 18, 2019  Monitor CPU usage of an app. Make sure the app that you want to monitor is already running on your system. Use Windows search to open Performance Monitor. If Windows search doesn’t work right on your system, use the Win+R keyboard shortcut to open the run box. Enter the following in the run box, and tap Enter. Feb 26, 2020  Activity Monitor shows the processes that are running on your Mac, so you can manage them and see how they affect your Mac's activity and performance. This article describes some of the commonly used features of Activity Monitor, a kind of task manager that allows you see how apps and other processes are affecting your CPU, memory, energy, disk. Dec 20, 2016  Monitor CPU usage on Mac. To monitor CPU usage on a Mac, keep Activity Monitor on the CPU tab. You can watch the total CPU usage of individual apps in the list and total utilization in the little graph at the bottom called CPU Load. Also at the bottom you can see what percentage of CPU is currently being used by the system and user and the idle. Monitor cpu usage mac.

There are quite a few bots out there that have different focuses and capabilities, so be sure to check out a bot library to gallery to find the perfect one.

Different bots will use different commands and will have different sets of abilities. But, for the purposes of this article, we’ll use Dyno. It’s a powerful bot aimed at moderation and server management — but it has some fun features, as well.

You can get Dyno by going to this link and clicking Add to Server in the top left corner. Then, just log in and follow the instructions.

Once it’s on your server, you can actually go about using Dyon. By default, the bot uses ? to start commands instead of a slash. Here are just a few to get you started.

  • ?announce [channel] [message]: This will have the bot make an announcement.
  • ?weather [location]: This will have Dyno output the weather forecast for a specific location.
  • ?ban [user] [limit] [reason]: This commands Dyno to ban a user. You can also input a specific time limit and a reason.
  • ?mute [user] [minutes] [reason]: This will mute a user so that they can’t speak. You can also input the amount of time and the reason. You’ll be able to reverse it with the ?unmute command.
  • ?quote: This will have Dyno output a random quote.
  • ?addrole [name] [hex color] [hoist]: This will add a new role with optional color and hoist options.
  • ?emotes: This will output a list of emojis installed on the server.
  • ?membercount: This will output the number of members on a server.
  • ?google [search string]: This will have the Dyno bot perform a Google search and output a link to the first result. Think of it like Discord’s version of “I’m Feeling Lucky.”

We hope that you found these popular discord commands helpful! Please let us know in the comments below if you have any questions.

Mike is a freelance journalist from San Diego, California.

Apple Mac

While he primarily covers Apple and consumer technology, he has past experience writing about public safety, local government, and education for a variety of publications.

He’s worn quite a few hats in the journalism field, including writer, editor, and news designer.

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No one wants spam and junk mail. Thankfully, Mac OS X Snow Leopard’s Apple Mail has a net that you can cast to collect junk mail before you have to read it. You can mark any message in the message list as Junk Mail. Select the unwanted refuse in the message list and then click the Junk button on the Mail window toolbar, which marks the message. If a message is mistakenly marked as junk, but you actually want it, display the message in the preview box and then click the Not Junk button at the top of the preview box.

For more automated control, Apple Mail has a sophisticated Junk Mail filter that you actually train to recognize what’s junk. After you train Mail to recognize spam with a high degree of accuracy, turn it to full Automatic mode, and it moves all those worthless messages to your Junk folder.

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To customize and train the Junk Mail filter, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Preferences dialog from your Mail menu and click Junk Mail.

    The Junk Mail settings appear.

  2. Set it to Mail in Training mode, using the Mark as Junk Mail, But Leave It in My Inbox option.

    Junk Mail then takes its best shot at determining what’s junk.

  3. When you receive more mail, mark messages as junk (or mark them as not junk).

    You’re actually teaching the Junk Mail feature how to winnow the wheat from the chaff. In Training mode, junk messages aren’t actually moved anywhere; they’re just marked with a particularly fitting, grungy brown color.

  4. After you’re satisfied that the Junk Mail filter is catching just about everything that it can, display the Mail preferences again and choose the Move It to the Junk Mailbox option.

    Mail creates a Junk folder and prompts you for permission to move all junk messages to this folder. After you review everything in the Junk folder, you can delete what it contains and send it to the Trash folder. To save a message from junkdom, click the Not Junk button in the preview window and then drag the message from the Junk folder message list to the desired folder in the Drawer.

Finally, you can create a complete set of custom rules for your Junk Mail filtering by clicking Perform Custom Actions — the Advanced button displays your Junk Mail rule set and allows you to edit your rules.

If you don’t receive a lot of spam — or you want to be absolutely sure that nothing gets labeled as junk until you review it — click the Enable Junk Mail Filtering check box to disable it.

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By default, Mail exempts certain messages from Junk Mail status based on three criteria: if the sender is in your Address Book, if you’ve sent the sender a message in the past, or if the message is addressed to you with your full name. To tighten up your Junk Mail filtering to the max, you might want to disable these check boxes as well.

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To reset the Junk Mail filter and erase any training that you’ve done, visit the Junk Mail settings in Preferences again and click Reset. Then click the Yes button to confirm your choice.